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Verizon Wireless

Technology-oriented companies and Carriers know their own area well, but often need help in areas outside of their sphere-of-knowledge or when they do not want to apply their own resources, focusing these to serve their own customers. DVI can fill this gap in many specific instances, including technology infrastructure and networking technology deployment.

DVI served as the Information Technology Consultant to Verizon Wireless for the development of its new network operations center (in West Lake TX).  Coincident with VW’s acquisition/integration of Bell Atlantic Mobile, GTE, and Airfone, the two integrated state-of-the-art NOCs will replace eleven (11) stand-alone facilities.  The NOCs are both survivable and typically load share the country, but each NOC is capable of supporting the full command and control load.

This project encompassed the relocation of several hundred people to a new 200,000 sqf facility.  It houses a Network Operations Center, a large Data Center, a Mobile Switching Center and office, conference, cafeteria and support spaces. The project was “fast-track” with occupancy commencing in January 2003.  Due to the mission it supports the building has extensive electric power (N + 1 generators), external communications services (carrier route diversity and dual entrance facilities) and internal cabling (self healing Fiber Optic ring backbones throughout the building and “salt & pepper” station cabling in critical operating areas) systems redundancy and backup systems.  

DVI’s responsibilities for the project included the development of standards and designs for all telecommunications cabling systems, design of all technical spaces including the NOC, Data Center, MSC and supporting spaces and systems such as electric power, HVAC, fire suppression, water detection and lighting. DVI furthermore participated in the development of load specifications for the electrical and mechanical systems that support all technology systems in the building. DVI coordinated very closely with the client, architectural and engineering teams on all aspects of the design and construction of the UPS, battery backup, and generator facilities.  The site features a mix of pre-action sprinkler and gas (FM200) fire suppression systems that were also designed with DVI’s guidance.  DVI provided the design and engineering for the Master Clock system in the building, which uses GPS satellite clock signals for synchronization.  DVI also developed and applied the methodology for the inventory and categorization (by criticality) of all active data systems in the old facility.  This was the basis on which the Systems Relocation Plan was formulated, scheduled and implemented.